Brené Brown: The Call to Courage Netflix Special

A couple of months ago we got an email from Brené Brown asking if we’d like to see her speak in UCLA the following week – she had extra tickets and it was an extra special event that was being filmed for Netflix! The stars were aligned and we didn’t have any meetings, so Tara and I (Kathleen here) booked a quick trip to LA and for the first time since working with Brené got to see her speak live – and y’all, she crushed it.
When we first took Brené through the Braid Method* (in 2013) we asked her: what’s the ONE thing you want to be known for? And she said “I want to start a national conversation about vulnerability.” Well, mission accomplished. Through her decades of research Brené redefined vulnerability as the kind uncertainty, risk, and emotional exposure and leads you down a path of love, belonging, joy, and wholehearted living.
* We’re often asked how we landed a client like Brené Brown – it started when our book review of Daring Greatly crossed her path and she dug a little deeper into the work we do here at Braid Creative. She was about to go on Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday for the first time and wanted her personal brand and website to authentically reflect who she was and her vision for where she was going next. To say we were excited to help Brené with her evolving brand is an understatement. These days we continue to work with her team on The Daring Way brand that certifies and trains helping professionals with her work.
Want more behind the scenes stories? Listen to Kathleen interview Brené Brown on Episode #42 of the Being Boss Podcast

Brené Brown’s TED talk on The Power of Vulnerability followed by her bestselling books like Daring Greatly and Gifts of Imperfection have undoubtedly struck a chord. And now her work is becoming even more accessible with her new 1-hour special, The Call to Courage on Netflix April 19, 2019. Brené shares her insights and research on vulnerability, courage, connection, and shame with the humor, wit, and personal stories that make her so relatable.