New Startup Links Directory – love-startups

It has been a while since we posted last on Love-startups, this is a post to introduce a new feature on love-startups. Because we saw that people are looking for interesting links for their startups, we decided to add a directory that includes all the links that may help you get started with your online business. Moreover, there is no affiliation on those links, it is just a list that we came up with because we came across those links and liked them.

You can have a look at it here:

What is the purpose of this new feature?

We all like to discover new tools, videos or forums that may guide us and give us ideas for our startup. We tend to forget those links and do not remember that they could be useful in the near future. So, this is an opportunity to see interesting links that may help you now or in the near future.

What is in the directory?

At the moment, there are 100 links that have been categorized and each includes a brief description. Here is a list of all the main categories that have been added for now:

  • Tools
    • Marketing
    • Finance
    • Project Management
    • Web development
  • Blogs
  • Videos (channels)
  • Education
  • Forums

All those links may be free, freemium and premium. Soon there will be a way to filter between non-paid and paid software.

What is next?

In the future, there will be more. The idea is that every time we find some good and useful links and share it on a post, we will add them to that directory. So that if someday you need to look for useful websites, you will be able to find them here at

If you find extra links that you think worth adding, please leave a comment below with a list of them.

Directory, Links, News

About alexis

New Startup Links Directory – love-startupsAlexis is passionate about writing content in order to help startup founder to get their business started. Moreover, he is a web developer that love building useful websites.